Turn Up the Volume On the Projector Without a Remote?

If you are a regular projector user, you might know how frequently we have to adjust the volume and image size.

The image size is also adjusted quite frequently but it does not demand to be done every single day.

The image issue can be resolved easily if we install the projector in one room and keep using it there.

However, the volume issue can not be adjusted once. The need to adjust the volume can be reduced but it can not be eliminated at all.

Volume can be turned up and down quite easily with the help of a remote. However, if you do not find a remote, adjusting a volume without a remote seems nearly impossible. However, the reality is quite the opposite. Want to know how?

How to Turn Up the Volume on the Projector Without a Remote?

First of all, you need to know that turning up and down the volume on the Epson projector is a little harder than the regular projectors.

However, adjusting the volume on the regular projectors is also not a hard nut to crack either. To adjust the volume on all projectors all you have to do is;

  • Go to the control panel
  • Find the volume option
  • There would be “+” and “-” signs with the volume button
  • If you have to turn up the volume, press + and if you have to turn down the volume press –

There is another way to adjust the volume as well;

  • Go to the control panel
  • Find the volume option on the right or left side of the touch panel
  • Now turn up the volume using an arrow

If you are using an Epson projector, the volume can be adjusted using the projection app. Learn Do Epson Projectors Have Bluetooth?

iProjection is the safest and easiest way to turn up the projector’s volume without a remote control. If you want to try it as well, here is what you have to do.

  • Download the updated OS-compatible iProjector app from the PlayStore or Apple App Store
  • Launch the app
  • Connect the projector to the access point
  • Connect your Android phone to the same access point as well
  • Find and click the projector’s name
  • The volume option would show up
  • Adjust as per your requirements

Too good to be true? Well, you live in the world of advancement were adjusting the volume is not an uphill task.

The iProjection app makes it possible by syncing with the projector and sending the volume commands on from the app.

However, we suggest you use a remote if you have one. It’s easier to operate and adjust the volume. All you have to do is press the “+” or “-” volume buttons to turn up or down the volume. When you use a remote, no settings need to be managed.


If your projector’s remote is nowhere to be found and you have to adjust the volume, there is a solution. That’s adjusting it by managing the volume settings on the screen.

To adjust the volume without any remote, go to the control panel, find the volume option with plus and minus signs, click plus if you want to turn up the volume, tap on minus if you want to turn down the volume.

Moreover, you can also move the arrow up and down to adjust the volume. If you are using an Epson projector, you have to download the iProjection’s updated version and adjust the volume without any remote.

However, there is no harm in using projector remotes, these remotes are easy and fun to use. Lastly, I hope you have found it helpful. Adjust the volume and tell us below in the comments.


  • Will Nob

    Will Nob has extensive experience with Laser Projectors. His job was to assemble laptops and projectors for a famous company in the United States. Several of his articles and research papers have been published.

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