Why Are Projectors So Expensive? 3 Reasons

Having a home theater sounds fancy as well as costly. It would require more money than buying a TV if you have done the cost analysis. Projectors have been out on the market for quite some time, still, the price tag is on the higher spectrum.

After all these decades, prices should have dropped significantly, but, with new designs, some models cost more.

The high price of a projector drives people away, forcing them to settle for cheaper, sub-par alternatives.

Some projectors are cheaper than others and their resolution is not exactly desirable.

Affordable projectors come with a few compromises and fewer features. Just like the purchase price, different projector types have different operating costs as well.

It gives you a better display than a TV and is ultimately more expensive. Projectors have many unique features that add extra bucks to the overall price.

Several factors and components increase the price of this worth-buying piece of equipment.

Have a look at the detailed answer to the question, Why are projectors so expensive?

Why are Projectors so Expensive?

Not everyone is into projectors, therefore, they have a smaller market than TVs.

Still, they are more expensive than the flat screens, the supply and demand can be blamed for the price difference.

Some reasonable projectors with limited features are getable at the same price as mid-level television.

Unlike TV, Projectors create larger images on gigantic screens. Viewing a movie on a 100 inches or more screen makes for an immersive experience.

Projectors are smaller and lighter than TVs, thus, giving you a better viewing field.

Projector screens are also thin, lightweight, and easy to roll up and down. Retractable screens are becoming more popular with time.

There is an increase in price because of the advanced features and increasing demands of consumers.

Though TV is used in most houses for watching movies and TV shows, still, many people fancy projectors and want to enjoy streaming on larger screens.

No matter who wins the race TVs or projectors, the price of the projectors is skyrocketing now, especially 4K models.

projector worth

Factors Make the Projector More Expensive

Here are the following factors which make projectors expensive


HDTVs and some other models have fixed resolutions whereas projectors come with varying resolutions.

Picture quality can also be adjusted by changing the distance of the projector from the screen.

Projector price fluctuates depending on the image quality and resolution.

Some projectors have higher resolution than 1080p, so, they are definitely going to be worth more.

Though the maximum resolution is fixed in projectors, still, it gives you the power to adjust.

In short, high-end projectors with higher resolution are expensive because of the high image quality assurance.

Types of projectors for movie theatres vary according to features but they are a lot expensive.

Screen Size

No other streaming mediums have a separate enormous screen for viewing movies, series, and games.

One of the factors that contribute to the high price of the projector is the gigantic screens.

These screens provide a cinema-like experience to the viewers.

Besides providing an immersive experience, the massive screen is good for the eyes as well.

As there is a large viewing field, eyes adjust to the light quite easily.

It reduces eye strain and provides better light than the TV.

Projector Bulbs

Projector bulbs or lamps alone can be quite expensive to purchase. Once the bulb is burnt out, it needs replacement to work like before.

When purchased separately, it can cost from $50 to over $100. It can be more if bought from the original manufacturers.

According to recent reports, The light-emitting source also impacts the price and operating cost of a projector.

Advanced Features

More projectors have unique features, specialized hardware, efficient software, and expensive electrical components, all of these contribute to a higher price tag.

With the incorporation of different technologies, the price of high-end projectors has gone up.

projector expensive

Is It Worth Getting a Projector?

Many homeowners find themselves at crossroads whether they should buy a TV or a projector, luckily, the gap is narrowing.

Projectors have enormous screen sizes better for watching high-quality quality content.

Managing 4K content on a large screen is much easier.

The viewing experience will be better than the TV, so, investing in a quality projector would be worth every penny.

Why Are Some Projectors More Expensive Than the Other?

It all comes down to features and the brand manufacturing the projectors.

Some cheaper models are available for under $100 but you can not expect them to work as efficiently as the high-end projectors.

Price is set according to the resolution, lamp life, color accuracy, contrast ratio, brightness, sound quality, and others.

All these factors go up with the price, so, getting a quality projector that stays with you for years would require higher payment.

1080p projector can be bought under $1000 budget whereas the price for 4K projectors is as high as $10000.

How Expensive are Projectors?

Several types of projectors cost differently, therefore, it is better to go through this cost analysis to get a better understanding.

DLP Projectors

DLP or Digital Light projectors have varying resolutions and brightness. Depending on the incorporated features, it can be between $200 to $1000.These projectors long last as compared to other types.

A reasonable DLP projector can be bought for approximately $500.

LCD Projectors

Liquid Crystal Display projectors have a comparable price range of $200-$500. Projectors with advanced features may cost more than $1000.

The hardware costs of these projectors are slightly higher than the DLP.

LED Projectors

LED projectors are more famous as they minimize operating costs by consuming less electricity. These projectors are best for bedrooms and other home-usage.

A standard LED projector with reasonable features costs more or less $300.Old Movie projectors are worth their price.

Price varies depending on the resolution, lumens, lamp life, contrast ratio, and other factors.


The unrivaled resolution, high contrast ratio, vibrant colors, minimal noise, and massive screens are just a few features that make projectors so expensive.

Owing to the absence of these features in a standard television, most people prefer projectors for a better movie-watching experience.

Not all projectors will cost you a fortune to buy, some cheaper alternatives are available costing as little as $100. Well, that’s what you have to pay for a better viewing experience.

Read also: D-Box Vs IMAX


  • Will Nob has extensive experience with Laser Projectors. His job was to assemble laptops and projectors for a famous company in the United States. Several of his articles and research papers have been published.

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